Guided tour "Oberammergau and its history"


Guided tour/visit

The guided tour "Oberammergau and its history" takes place every Saturday. You will visit the church, receive information about the Lüftl painting and learn interesting facts about wood carving. You will also receive a short introduction to the Passion Play on the big screen in the audience hall of the Passion Theater.

meeting point: Entrance Oberammergau Museum

€9,00 adults
8,00 € reduced (spa card holders, severely disabled over 70%)
3,00 € Children (up to and including 17 years)

Duration: 60 min.

Further information at

Only by pre-registration, as the number of participants is limited!

Appointment overview

Saturday, May 22.02.2025th

14: 00 - 15: 00

Saturday, May 01.03.2025th

14: 00 - 15: 00

Saturday, May 08.03.2025th

14: 00 - 15: 00


How to find us

Oberammergau Museum
Dorfstr. 8
82487 oberammergau


Oberammergau Museum
Dorfstr. 8
82487 oberammergau